Tales of berseria eleanor relationship
Tales of berseria eleanor relationship

Meanwhile, a lone figure leaned against a building, casually watching the craziness ensue and her two malak friends flee the area with guilty expressions. "We'll probably be long gone by then," Eizen murmured as he and Laphicet retreated into the depths of the town, praying that the citizens possessed a low amount of resonance. "Okay! Now I'm hoping someone will realize it's our fault!" The tiny malak burst into laughter, the background becoming more comical by the second. If anyone confronts us about this later, you come down with a case of uncontrollable sneezes, and I'll pretend I can only speak the ancient tongue." "I think we should get out of here," Laphicet whispered nervously. The merchants left their booths and rushed to bring aid, stumbling over crates and barrels, sending food flying, and a small flock of doves took to the air at the noise. A passing sailor tripped over his own feet and fell off the dock, into the water. The instant the coin met his glove, all hell broke loose. Eizen flipped the coin, landing expectedly on tails two seconds later. "There's only one way to find out," Eizen declared, removing his precious coin from his pocket. "Do you really think this will work?" Laphicet asked, tilting his head cutely, causing his cowlick to lop over to one side. Laphicet made sure the cash was left where the merchant would see it before exiting the scene. The pirate shrugged and paid for the necklace, along with an item labeled 'rabbit's foot,' dropping three-hundred gald on the table. "Do you think we can get this for Velvet? I want to get her something for Valentine's Day." When they arrived at the front of the line, Laphicet picked up a locket in the shape of a four-leaf-clover. Laphicet's light green eyes sparkled with curiosity as he scanned the trinkets and doodads littering the table. So far, nothing bad was happening, which was a very good sign.

tales of berseria eleanor relationship

The two came to a halt at the end of the line, which was moving at a convenient pace. "I won't let anyone steal the wheel of my ship." "At least it's better than being slaves to exorcists, right?" inquired the boy. But I still find it irksome to know that some people just completely forgot about us." I'm used to the cold tingling sensation, since it was like this before the Advent. "I guess you're not used to it, since you're usually up on the mountain in your Maotelus form. "Does it always feel this weird when people walk through you?" Laphicet shivered as a chill went up his spine. Maybe if I buy one, my Reaper's Curse won't be quite as effective."Ī random person passed through the two, as though they were transparent and invisible. "The merchants over there are selling good luck charms. The man paused briefly to glance over his shoulder and gestured towards a line of people. "Come on, Laphicet!"Ī small boy with pale blonde hair trotted across the cobblestones, legs working double-time to catch up with a tall, blonde-haired man in the dark jacket. Large boots thudded rhythmically as the wearer stalked towards his intended destination.

tales of berseria eleanor relationship


Festivities were in full swing, markets were bustling, crowds of people were shoving their way through the streets, and enthusiastic shouts echoed across Port Zekson, where the Van Eltia had docked, waiting for its passengers to finish their business in town. The town was adorned with vibrant banners, fancy streamers and colorful balloons. There are no romantic ships in this, but Velvet and Eleanor's relationship is in the spotlight.

tales of berseria eleanor relationship tales of berseria eleanor relationship

This story takes place after the game's ending, and the storyline is simply conjecture, not canon. This has a lot of spoilers for the game, so just be warned! Here is a Berseria Valentine's Fanfic for you guys!

Tales of berseria eleanor relationship